A Life in Pieces

When I look back on my life to date, I tend to think of it in clear distinct units, that are connected with more blurry feeling journeys, often with me sandwiched between siblings in the back of a car.  For example, it starts with a Glasgow shaped bit, with pre and primary school, followed by an Algierian filling before a sliver of Glasgow again.  

Beirut was next, with an interesting connection from there via Syria and Jordan down to Jeddah. The join of Jeddah back to Glasgow was another adventure that included sailing up the Suez Canal and visiting the pyramids.  

I sometimes wonder if it is the fact that these 'pieces' were all so different to each other  - like slate and CD - that makes them stand out, but either way, I have some very clear recollections of them all.  

Given that all of these bits and their joins comprised less than a decade, means that in life terms they really were just fragments, but important and meaningful ones.  

I can remember writing in my diary 18 months after arriving in Brussels, that it was the longest I'd been in any one place other than Glasgow, so the pieces did gradually get bigger: secondary school in Scotland, University, First Career with its own mini pieces - then a funny interlude of a variety of bits including the southern ocean - and then another career with its own bits.   

It's becoming more understandable to me why I am drawn to mosaic......


