If you were writing your autobiography, how would you define your chapters? Would it be by life stages, like schools or colleges. Or maybe by jobs? Or relationships? Perhaps homes? I'm pondering this just now because if I think of My Life in Pieces, I can recognise that my current 'piece' is actually made up of multiple smaller pieces which are almost like little stepping stones towards a new bigger piece.
To offer some context, (and possible explanation for why it's been a while!) we have been busy moving out of a flat in Edinburgh, and into my mother's across in Glasgow while we have been househunting for something bigger to suit our lifetsyle. It has been quite a time, with an enormous search area and associated viewings stretching right across Scotland. The mental machinations of visualising living and travelling to/from each prospective property have been exhausting - and that's before we even get to the nail biting process of the Scottish housebuying penchant for blind bidding. Nerves of steel are required, but finally, we have found somewhere that ticks almost all of the post its, and an offer has been accepted!
I can't quite believe it yet, but am so looking forward to being able to create a proper workspace where I can make a mess and not have to clear it up all the time!
Meanwhile, I am zipping back and forth, and squeezing in creating when I can, so do please watch this space for when I can finally unleash all my pent up ideas!!
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